Good Art Happens When You Successfully Translate Your Distinct Way of Seeing the World Around You

Individuals inhabit their own universes, and it is the artist who recognizes this reality, translating and manifesting their unique universe through art.

art & soul
3 min readJan 28, 2024
Philip Guston, The Line, 1978.

Art, in all its forms, is a universal language that transcends boundaries and speaks to the soul. It is a powerful means of expression, capturing the intricacies of the human experience in ways words often cannot. Central to the creation of good art is the ability to successfully translate one’s distinct way of seeing the world around them. This process is not merely a technical skill but a profound journey of self-discovery and a clear communication.


If every artist sees and interprets the same subjects in identical ways it would be a monotonous and uninspiring realm. Fortunately, the beauty of art lies in its diversity, as each creator possesses a unique lens through which they view the world. The process of translation in art involves taking these personal perceptions and conveying them through a chosen medium, be it canvas, sculpture, music, or any other form.

Understanding the Self

Successful translation in art begins with a deep understanding of oneself. It requires introspection and an exploration of one’s emotions, experiences, and perspectives. Artists embark on a journey to decipher their inner world, unraveling the complexities of their thoughts and feelings. This self-awareness becomes the foundation upon which they build their artistic expression.

Breaking Barriers

To translate one’s distinct way of seeing is to break free from the constraints of conventional norms. It involves pushing boundaries and challenging preconceived notions. True art is often born from the courage to be authentic, to step away from the familiar and embrace the uncharted territory of individuality. It’s a rebellion against the mundane, an assertion of one’s unique voice.

The Medium as a Messenger

The chosen medium becomes the messenger through which the artist communicates their vision to the world. Whether it’s the strokes of a paintbrush, the notes of a melody, or the words on a page, the medium is a conduit for translating the artist’s distinct perspective. Mastery of the medium is crucial, as it empowers the artist to articulate their vision with precision and impact.

Connecting with the Audience

Good art not only reflects the artist’s individuality but also resonates with others on a universal level.Art invites viewers to connect emotionally and intellectually with the work. It sparks conversations, elicits emotions, and invites contemplation. The artist becomes a translator not only of personal experiences but of shared humanity.

In the realm of art, good things happen when artists courageously translate their distinct ways of seeing to the world. This act of translation is an intimate journey of self-discovery, a process of breaking free from conventions, and an exploration of the universal threads that connect us all. As we celebrate the diversity of artistic expression, we are reminded that the essence of good art lies not just in the final creation but in the profound act of translating one’s unique vision into a language that speaks to the hearts and minds of others.

